A combination of wrestling and boxing inspired by the ancient Greeks that is being addressed mainly to heavier and stronger athletes. To those who seek absolute power, because that’s what the Pankration means. Pan + Kratos: “He who dominates” !
This sport was divided into two parts. The upper and lower one. On the first part, the athletes, while standing on their feet, exchanged blows with various parts of their bodies. Hands, feet, knees, elbows and even their head trying to throw the opponent on the ground. At this point the lower part of the Pankration took place and the fight continued. Now the opponents were trying to defeat each other and make him declare ‘BAN’ by showing his hands, as they called the abandonment of the fight. This was accomplished either with grips on the verge of breaking up a limb or even with grips on the neck that were so hard that the opponent could reach the limits of drowning!
The 33rd Olympic Games hosted the Pankration in 648 BC that was immediately accepted by the sporting public. The spectacle was popular but risky too, since many times it could even cause the death of the opponent.
Nowadays, the Greek Federation of Pankration Sport, is trying to integrate the sport back in the Olympics since the Pankration has managed to attract many fans, both in Greece and abroad.
It maintains the same characteristics, consisting of upper and lower Pankration. In its fighting part, except from the blows, it includes “obedience Wrestling” with grips and techniques, however, thanks to regulations,the injuries are limited. These techniques, include dislocation grips of various parts of the body such as thigh, ankle, neck, shoulder, etc …
Wrestling is a wonderful sport that exercises both body and mind.Nowadays, there are two different styles: Greco-Roman wrestling and freestyle wrestling. It is an ancient Olympic sport in which two men struggled against each other and the strongest was being honored as the winner.
Greece has a long tradition in this sport, with several Olympic champions and World or European champions.
The Greeks never stopped dealing with wrestling even when in 393 AD Byzantine Emperor Theodosius, banned the Olympic Games.
Since the official declaration of the Greek independence,in 1832, the ancient greek wrestling was reintroduced.
The Royal Decree of the Greek State on 25/1/1837, decided to organize public wrestling, horse racing, disc, road, jump, javelin, ethnic dances and other gymnastics, with awards for the winners.
Since 1838 the municipality of Letrini has decided the reconstitution and commission of Olympic Games every four years in the city of Pyrgos.